Monday, 20 October 2008

Welcome to My Crazy Life

Ok, I know, I know. It's been way longer than I promised since I last posted. BUT, I have good excuses, my life has really been crazy. My life seems like it's always crazy but believe it or not, I think this last month or so takes the cake and there was some tough competition. Anyway, I'm back.

So obviously some of this craziness has stemmed from the whole applying to law school process. A lot of people (ok almost everyone) I talk to asks me what I want to do with a law degree and why I want to go to law school. So, we've got the obvious answers like, I love history, I like constitutional law, and it just seems to fit my interests. But, today at the forum here at BYU, I came to a better understanding of the core reasons that I want to study law. The forum was given by a man named Robert George who is a professor at Princeton. I loved the things that he had to say; he talked about the sanctity and fundamentality of the family and marriage in our society and he asked us to be willing and do what we need to do in order to feel able and ready to defend those fundamental principles that our country is built upon. Ideally, this is exactly what I would love to defend on a legal level. I would love to be involved in legal counsel or legal spokesmanship for the Church.

In the past few months I've really become involved in the politics and issues (particularly in Utah) behind this upcoming election. I've been working for a state Senator, on her campaign committee, and I've come to understand a lot about the importance of our own political input, interest and desire to understand. I've been able to form my own opinions and realize the power of the individual if they are willing to put themselves and their opinions out there. This too has helped me realize the kind of involvement that I someday want to have and the reasons I want to have a law degree to back up that involvement.

One final note, I just want to add my own support for Prop 8. I hope that anyone who can vote for it will, and that anyone who can't will show their support in other ways. Even if that just means voting for your own local representatives. Ok, enough of my political views, I promise that'll be the last one of this kind--but surprisingly being involved in that whole process and thinking about the issues has sure helped me realize some important things that I hope will become major goals for the next few years of my life.

1 comment:

Lace said...

Whit it was good to talk to you today, but also good to see a blog post! Its good to see why you are going into what you are going into. You are going into a good cause and really will make a big difference in people's lives.

Also thank you for talking about your political views. Its good to hear how grown up people are after we graduate from from high school and really becoming adults and individuals. Good work!