Monday, 2 June 2008

"Britain's Greatest Medieval Experience"

Warwick Castle was one of the coolest places I've been so far in England. I thought it was incredible. It was a bit like a theme park Castle and definitely touristy but way cool anyway. We got to climb up to all the turrets and the view from the top was incredible. They also had a some really cool "shows." There was a bowman shooting arrows and targets, a birds of prey show, the launching of the Trebuchet, and, my personal favorite...the Great Joust.

Quick rundown of the pics: the Castle, me and Jane in the stocks, all of us and the archer man, view from the top, the joust, the Trebuchet, me after I broke a fence (I think I've gained more weight than I thought), a sweet video of the Castle and me and the queen. Yes, that is the queen. At a wax form. But it was good to meet her since I'll be taking her job in a couple of years.

And a couple videos of the day too. The Castle from the highest tower and footage of the Great Joust :)


Lace said...

It looks so fun! And I like your hat :)

Reags said...

Will, how do you blog so freaking good. I cant figure it out. I need your skills cause i have some sweet videos and stuff. So guess what i will see you soon. O and where is the love? thank you JT